Coming home to you: Has it been a thousand years or just forty? An afterthought really: In all our moments together, the past is merely a playful wink and a humbling blink in this restful timelessness we share. Oh and that memory of before: All I've longed for was to...
Ryan Oelke
I feel you seeking
I feel you seeking when all you want to do is go home, scared of the space that echos in your chest, but all that's missing is you, and you’re already there I feel you longing when all you want to do is rest, your eyes so soft behind the strain, if you could only...
Here I’ll wait
Now longing humbled and love endured dreams mirrored roots intwined pursuit no one else, nowhere, eyes for you and memories shared: Here I’ll wait In plain sight With no end in date With this heart in eternal flame Skin cleaned by pain and shame Lit abright with your...
A redbird follows
A redbird has been following me for so long, looking at each other through these hand prints on the windows. Walking grass, soft earth, a pilgrimage without a map, but she follows me and speaks: The autumn air clearing, Her song rode the winds and took form In a...
We must be human
we must be human, creaking and cracking under the weight of existence, pushed out of one husk after another: so bittersweet is this love that aches until plucked. we must be human, with the anger of gods swelling these receded shells, cracking rotting wood,...
Connection is buried in loneliness
Connection is buried in loneliness, Those seeds that fell from us so joyfully, so effortlessly, All those times we laughed with friends and family - and if not them, a curious bird, a rambunctious river, even that stuffy old cloud: So many seeds we hid for this rainy...
Emptiness is Listening
bodies wandering in space, feet searching for earth, (she supports without effort: take note, dear one!) hearts aching to speak: "what to do? how to be? Do you hear me??" No answers needed when presence breathes. In… Out… ...In…. ...Out… …a gap in time, fullness...
Without Remainder
I sit on this throne suspended in space and time with nothing to grasp, hoisted and held only by the love that emanates through everything and everyone without remainder a royal beggar they have helped me become to surrender without remainder to serve without...
The rhythm of two
the rhythm of two the rhythm of two where there’s a push there’s a pull this rhythm of two this rhythm of two this electric blending of me and you no bated breath: two bodies in motion circulating, undulating depth listen…. the pulse of I I I vanishing, dancing with...