Dharma and Meditation

In addition to supporting others through coaching, I am Dharma teacher and co-founder at Buddhist Geeks, and a Senior Teacher of The Realization Process. My background is also heavily influenced by Dzogchen, Tibetan Buddhism, and Integral Theory from Ken Wilber. My approach to teaching Dharma and meditation integrates all of my lineages and background, best summed up as Integral Dharma.

I freely offer group teachings and practices in the Buddhist Geeks Network through Transparent Generosity (donation). The BG Network is an integral practice community of dedicated to Dharma and awakening, with community members coming from a variety of practice and lineage backgrounds.

I also offer recorded Dharma talks and guided meditations. My latest talks might not be in the library on this site yet, but you can find them on the Buddhist Geeks Youtube channel.

I have taught numerous live group trainings over the years but I do not have any plans to offer these trainings any time soon. However, if and when I do I will announce it in my newsletter.

If you are interested in working with me privately, please see my coaching page for more info and send me a message.

Approaches and practices I use:

Some themes and practices I teach on frequently:

  • Integral Dharma
  • The Realization Process: Embodied Awakening and Healing
  • Recognizing and Integrating Spontaneous Awareness (Dzogchen inspired)
  • Traversing Stages of Awakening 
  • Dissolving the separation between Practice and Life
  • Navigating Dark Nights of Awakening
  • Waking up in life as spontaneous presence.
  • Healing from fragmentation to wholeness.
  • Maturing in fullness to meet the complexity, demands, and richness of our lives.
  • Enacting transformation in your life and how you show up.

My Lineages:

Buddhist Geeks, The Realization Process, Integral Dharma, Dzogchen.